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Blog post

"Boutique Recruitment Agency of the Year 2020 - Scotland" with Corporate Livewire Innovation & Excellence Awards 2020

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year that we would all like to put behind us.  Businesses have been shattered with the coronavirus and many jobs have been lost.  Slowly but surely though we are pushing to get things back to “normal” as much as possible.  Although I believe the future in business will have a very different looking “normal”.  We at BWR like many others had to batten the hatches for a number of months and wait out the storm.  Moira and I have returned back to the office albeit on reduced hours for the time being but we did return to some good news.  The first being that we had our offer accepted for a lease on a new office, more to come on that at a later date but secondly that Balfour Wilson Recruitment were nominated in the Corporate Livewire Innovation & Excellence Awards 2020 and we are absolutely over the moon to share the news that we won Boutique Recruitment Agency of the Year in Scotland 2020 award.  We feel that regardless of how small or big the news is that a business has they need to share it and remind each other that we are seeing green shoots, that there is hope and even in the darkest of times we can still gain something great through it.  We are delighted with the award as it shows that Moira and I are being recognised for our strengths, passion and sheer determination to support clients and candidates when they need it and for helping them all on their own journeys.